Jan 9 2014– A new year! And photo montages: part one

And now dear readers, it’s 2014, and the ObserVA project is getting very near the end.  The wheel has come full-circle, from the dead of winter back to the dead of winter, which means that I too will be rolling along to new projects.  As 2013 was nearing its end, I was thinking about the best way to wrap up the journal, and I thought about re-shooting landscape photos that I’d shot throughout the year, and posting them side-by side in order to really accentuate the change of the seasons.  I had planned to accomplish this very early in the new year, maybe on the first or second day of January.

But, as always, you have your plans for life, and life has its plans for you.  After a delightful New Years eve party, I was playing some vigorous Ultimate Frisbee on a pleasantly warm New Years Day when I suffered a sports-type injury (I’ll spare you the details), which has left me laid up for most of the past week.  During that time, we had our first snowfall of the year (about an inch, and it lasted for a couple of days), and experienced a few days of the “arctic” cold that has hit so much of the country.  Today was my first day that I’ve felt fully recovere, and have had time for walking all around the community taking photos (then fussing with the photos on the computer).  So now without further ado I give you: photo mashups part one!

We’ll start with a triple shot– the Kaweah back yard during last March’s snowstorm, the same view a month later in April, and the same view this afternoon.Image

Here’s a tree at the end of the driveway, in March and this afternoon.Image

On that day in March, we had a frisbee game despite the blizzard. Image

Here’s Vigor Road during the peak of the snow, and again today.Image

Another triple photo– the view from my room in March, in June, and this afternoon.Image

Last April, the cover crops were a delighful green on the garden.  Today it’s just all brown!Image

Three views of the pond:  One from last March, a view during the springtime months, and the same view of the pond today, still frozen solid from all the cold weather we’ve been having.Image

Peach blossoms in the MT orchard in April, and the same branch today.  If you look at the angled cut where the tree was pruned, you can see how much it’s grown this year.Image

Our most dramatic cherry tree, in the full blossom of late April, and again in early JanuaryImage

This first photo was from that part of April when the blossoms had dropped off and the leaves had just begun to sprout.Image

Springtime and winter views of the High South pasture.Image

Sami’s fig tree from early May, just as it was beginning to grow leaves.  In the photo from this afternoon, you can see how much growth it put on over the course of the summer.Image

It’s amazing to think that these photos–the first from a May thunderstorm– are of the same location.Image

Big oak trees down by the pond, in May and in JanuaryImage

This view of the pond shows some of the extreme contrast between leafy spring and icy winter.Image

Our onion drying barn, top photo in mid-May, bottom photo from today.Image

It’s amazing to look at the bare sticks in the Morningstar orchard and think that 7 months ago (and 5 months from now), they were covered in delicious bush cherries.Image

In this photo from early June, the inside of the greenhouse is just one small aspect of the almost tropical profusion of vegetation.  In early January, the lettuces and kale inside is pretty much the only greenery you’re going to see.Image

Both of these photos are from the sewer line path between Tupelo and the warehouse.  Although they aren’t the exact same vantage point, they’re pretty close to the same spot.Image

Way back in June, my son Sami was able to walk these woods wearing practically nothing.  It wouldn’t be nearly so comfortable today!Image

Here’s a dramatic contrast– our kiwi arbor in June and this afternoon.Image

Again, I wasn’t able to get exactly the same vantage point of the pond, but it’s close enough to see the amazing contrast between June and January.Image

The top photo is from this past June.  The bottom one is actually from December of 2008.  In the years in-between, the shed at the end of the driveway burned down and was replaced with the smaller wellhouse in the above photo, plus several of the non-productive apple trees in the orchard have been removed.Image

That gets me to the end of June.  I’m hoping to post another whole mess of these photos in the next day or two, at which time I will consider ObserVA to be finished and wish everyone a tearful farewell.  Until then, enjoy these pics!

3 responses to “Jan 9 2014– A new year! And photo montages: part one

  1. Ahhh, lovely contrasts, and I almost feel the warm air and smell the rich earth in the summer photos. It’s been a pleasure following your blog…with gratitude…Stef

  2. it’s nice that you did the cycle of one year…..but I don’t think you should quit doing this…..Maybe do the same day of the each month for many years, so eventually you would have a record of the cycles, but also of climate change. Partly I’m just selfish….i like reading these.

  3. Thank you so much for the dedication and hard work you put into keeping this up for an entire year. It has been a rare pleasure following the blog and I will miss your excellent photos and vivid commentary.

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